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Sino is a systems programming language initially developed by Ciumhoa Technology and is now led by the Sino Foundation. It aims to strike a balance between safety, concurrency, and practicality. While Sino's syntax is influenced by Rust and Python, it distinguishes itself by introducing ownership and borrowing rules to offer advanced memory safety.


The name "Sino" is derived from the historical Qin Dynasty in China. Additionally, the file extension "sn" used by Sino stands for Shaanxi, with its abbreviation also being "Qin," symbolizing the rich historical and cultural heritage of this region. The development inspiration for Sino also stems from the diversity and innovative spirit of Shaanxi, aiming to integrate this spirit into modern systems programming.


  • Memory Safety: With ownership and borrowing rules, Sino prevents common memory safety issues like null pointers and data races at compile time.
  • Concurrency: Sino's concurrency model makes it easier and safer to write parallel and multi-threaded code.
  • Performance: Sino's compiler generates efficient machine code, making it an ideal choice for handling system-level tasks.
  • Ecosystem: The Sino community is active and vibrant, with a rich set of libraries and frameworks supporting various application scenarios.


We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support, enabling the continuous development and innovation of the Sino community:

  • Ciumhoa: The primary developers and sponsors of Sino, Ciumhoa Technology provides significant resources and support to drive the development of Sino.
  • Cinastan: As a Founding Sponsor of Sino, Cinastan plays a crucial role in the growth and promotion of the Sino ecosystem.

Released under the MIT License.